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E-mail sunnymoonkennel@gmail.com



Italian sighthound breeding from 2010 Family kennel Quality, not quantity Health checking and genetic tests

Our Italian Greyhounds kennel's history 

First IG

The history of our kennel began in 2010, when it was officially registered in the FCI. Our first Italian greyhound - Carevna Budur Golden Queen (Arisha). She was bought in 2009 as a puppy for love, without plans for breeding and show. Arisha has grown very elegant and with correct anatomy, had a good health. In December 2009, we decided to take the first steps on the international exhibition with Arisha. To everybody's surprise - Arisha was the best puppy of breed at the specialty show in Kiev, in competition and under the Italian expert. Arisha received the titles of Champion of Moldova and Ukraine, won the title of Best of Breed in Ukraine and was used in breeding from 2011 to 2013. In genetic line of Arisha - there are mostly Ukrainian and Polish dogs.

First success

Arisha's son from the first litter - Arnero Sunnymoon Place, was the first award-winning Italian Greyhound breed in Sunnymoon Place, our first International Champion, winner of BEST IN SHOW, reserve class winner on Euro Sighthound 2013 and World Dog Show 2013.

Start of serious breeding

After a year of deliberation, successes and failures, it was time to understand our vision and goals. In October 2010, from one of the most famous European kennel came to us our gorgeous Eledi Grace Alpina - who became the founder of our serious breeding activities. In October 2012 we imported another Italian Greyhound from Europe - Eledi Grace Fendi Fornarina. Fendi has grown into an elegant female 35 cm height, with correct anatomy, typical movements and a strong psyche. These two females completely changed our original idea of the Italian Greyhound. And with them our kennel got it's breeding direction. Due to the quality of their offspring, both girls received prestigious titles - PROCREATOR OF CHAMPIONS - first and for now only IGs in Ukraine.

Start of kennel's line

The year 2014 - the appearance of our long-awaited children:Everdeen & Emerald from Alpina, and Desmonda & Dallas from Fendi. They are our first generation and from these children we become to build our kennel's line. All these dogs become International Champions winning their titles on the prestigious European shows in a strong competition! They won many champions titles and successfully promote kennel's name in Europe. From this time we reached a new level of breeding and show.

Res.Best in Show kennel on the Main Dog Show of Ukraine

In 2016 we presented our Breeding Group (Dallas, Desmonda and Kassiopea) for the first time on the Main Dog Show of Ukraine and we won Res.BEST IN SHOW KENNEL! That year our dogs were winning BEST OF BREED on the most of dog shows we participated in Ukraine and Europe. And the main show star of 2015-2016 years was Dallas Sunnymoon Place, who won the Group X on the prestigious Main Dog Shows of Ukraine 5 times during his show career.

One more outcross male in our breeding program

In 2017 we brought from Poland one more outcross male to participate in our breeding - Keep Winning for Sunnymoon z Koloseum. From the first matings in our kennel it showed that Winnie gives us even more than we expected from him. He became our beloved producer. His children from their very first shows followed BIS winning style of their father, among their most significant wins are: 2 x BISS on Sighthound Specialty, Best Junior on the Austrian Winner show in the frame of EDS, BIS II on the Main Dog Show of Ukraine.

The most winning Ukrainian kennel!

In 2016-2020 we participated in many shows in Ukraine and Europe. Our dogs won Best of Breed titles on the majority of shows they participated in. Eight years in a row our dogs are Top Italian Greyhounds and Top in Group 10 in Ukraine! Actually, our dogs are the most titled Italian Greyhounds in Ukraine. They have champion titles of such countries as Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Belorussia, Moldova and certainly Ukraine. Our graduates living in other kennels all around the world also won championship titles of such countries as USA, Ireland, Philippines, South East Asia, Hungary, Russia, Belorussia.

New times are not always easy, but they are times of development.

From 2021, a new generation comes to the fore. Littermates Da'Lilla and De'Lungo successfully represent our kennel at the main exhibitions of the country and Europe In 2022, with the beginning of wartime in our country, the conditions for breeding dogs became more difficult and exhibitions are temporarily not held. But this did not stop the desire and opportunity to develop. We did not waste time despite the cramped conditions. New import producers ( Olly and Cupido) and our beloved Lungo have improved many of the shortcomings of previous generations. The beautiful heads and the shape of the ears were strengthened, and the bones undoubtedly became stronger! in 2023 we were renewed as part of a completely new generation! 4 juniors will enter the show rings this season!


2024 brings new old rules! We slightly changed the concept of the kennel, re-understanding our initially accepted line of development. At the very beginning of our creation, our kennel did not envisage global breeding of puppies and a huge number of matings and the transformation of a family kennel into a business, for the sake of business. I personally must admit this and be honest with yourselves. Quality, not quantity! I personally had to learn and experience this serious and painful lesson!The most important goal that I have seen and see for myself is to have fun with my dogs and their puppies! Dogs are not a business, and this is not a zoo! This is a family! Perhaps we will not win expansively at all exhibitions in the world, we are not going to prove our importance to anyone! Living through the war in our country, you begin to understand the value of every day, the love of every ponytail is happiness! The quality of puppies and the quality of life of dogs with us in the family always remains our top priority!