Телефон WhatsApp, Viber: +380935521720,
E-mail sunnymoonkennel@gmail.com



Italian sighthound breeding from 2010 Family kennel Quality, not quantity Health checking and genetic tests

 Puppies / Цуценята 

Please read this before applying for a puppy!
Our rules for puppies reservations and sell:

We are members of Ukrainian Kennel Union (the one and only Ukrainian organization belonging to the FCI). All of our puppies have FCI pedigree, veterinary documents, microchipped and vaccinated by age.

We don't sell puppies without pedigrees and our puppies don't leave our house before 9 weeks old (to Ukraine) and 12 weeks old (to other countries)

We don't reserve puppies before they are born and even just after they are born. Our puppies become available for reservation at around 3-4weeks age.

It is very important for us to know your expectations from the puppy, your experience and possibilities. We are very grateful for detailed information and never respond to messages like "How much for pups?"

Our puppies are our children. We trust them only to people who had thought out everything carefully and ready to offer to our IGs a lot of time and love.

We choose owners to our puppies very carefully. If during communication with potential owners we feel that we couldn't trust them our puppy - we have the right to refuse to sell the puppy (if deposit was paid, it will be returned).

We provide information support during the whole lifetime of the puppy. We stay in contact all the time and welcome owners to keep in touch and discuss anything.

We help owners to show our puppies on dog shows and advise on handling questions.
Будь ласка, прочитайте перед тим, як писати запит на цуценя!
Це наші правила резервування та продажу цуценят:

Ми є членами Української Кінологічної Спілки (єдиної української організації, що входить до FCI). Всі наші цуценята мають родовід КСУ (FCI), ветеринарні документи, мікрочіпи та щеплені за віком.

Ми не продаємо цуценят без документів, і наші цуценята не покидають наш будинок раніше 9 тижнів (в Україні) та 12 тижнів (в інші країни).

Ми не бронюємо цуценят до їхнього народження і навіть відразу після їхнього народження. Наші пухнасті малятка стають доступними для бронювання приблизно у віці 3-4 тижні. Нам дуже важливо знати ваші очікування від цуценяти, ваш досвід та можливості.

Ми дуже вдячні за детальну інформацію і ніколи не відповідаємо на повідомлення типу "В яку ціну щенята?"

Наші цуценята – це наші діти. Ми довіряємо їх тільки людям, які всі ретельно продумали і готові подарувати нашим малятам багато часу та любові.

Ми дуже ретельно обираємо господарів нашим цуценятам. Якщо при спілкуванні з потенційними власниками ми відчуємо, що не можемо довірити їм своє цуценя - ми маємо право відмовити у продажу (якщо заставу було внесено, вона буде повернена).

Ми надаємо інформаційну підтримку протягом усього життя цуценяти.

Ми постійно перебуваємо на зв'язку та запрошуємо власників залишатися на зв'язку та обговорювати будь-які питання. На прохання власників ми показуємо наших цуценят на виставках та консультуємо з питань хендлінгу.
Litters history / Історія приплодів

У нас є вільні цуценята блакитного та кремового окрасу

We have available puppies blue and cream colors

new litters was born 25 may 2024

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Чекаємо вас на нашій

Instagram сторінці


Якщо ви плануєте купити цуценя італійської хорта в нашому розпліднику, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з нами по електронній пошті або телефону якuй вказано на початку кожної сторінки, зверху


Date of birth: 20 july 2023
Sire: C.I.B. MLT CH De Lungo Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Neon Natty Noor Sunnymoon PLace - blue male - sold Poland
  • Nimphea Sunnymoon Place - grey female - stays in kennel


Date of birth:
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Loki Lemuel Sunnymoon Place - blue male - sold USA
  • Lotus Lane Sunnymoon Place - grey male - sold Italy
  • Lima Chick Rose Sunnymoon Place - grey female- sold Serbia
  • Leda Lumiere Sunnymoon Place - grey female- sold USA


Date of birth: 15.05.2023
Sire: Jun CH HUN JUN WIN 2021 Altamiruas Cor Cupido
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Krayon Sunnymoon Place - blue male- stays in kennel
  • Katriel Sunnymoon Place - cream female - stays in kennel
  • Krista Reisse HunterMoon Sunnymoon Place - sold USA


Date of birth: 01.05.2023
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue male - Jaiden Sunnymoon Place - stays in kennel
  • Blue male - Jamie Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 14.02.2023
Sire: HU JUN WINNER 2021 Altamiruas Cor Cupido
Dam: C.I.B. MLT CH Everdeen Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue female - Gabriel Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
  • Grey male - Giniu Sunnymoon Place - sold Hungaru
  • Isabella female - Gerda Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 08.02.2023
Sire: HU Jun WINNER 2021 Altamiruas Cor Cupido
Dam: C.I.B. MLT CH Kassiopea Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue male - Feroud Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
  • Blue male - Fujy Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 22.03.2022
Dam: TOP-1 IG Jun, CH Da Lilla Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue male - Yastrub Vilnyj Sunymoon Place - sold Germany
  • Blue male - Yangol Svitlyj Sunnymoon Place - sold USA
  • Blue female - Yasna Zorya Sunnymoon Place - stays in the kennel
Coefficient of inbreeding - 2,62 %

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 01.03.2022
Sire: TOP-1 IG, CH De Lungo Sunnymoon Place
Dam: TOP-1 IG Jun, CH Solo Avanti Fortuna
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue male - Xellinger Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
  • Blue male - Xapphire Sunnymoon Place - sold Belgium
Coefficient of inbreeding - 4,87 %

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Italian Greyhounds puppies. Щенки левретки.
Date of birth: 12.11.2021
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue female - Verity Lavender Sunnymoon Place - stays in the kennel
  • Black female - Velvet Rosemary Sunnymoon Place - sold UK
  • Black female - Voice of Neroli Sunnymoon Place - sold Germany
  • Blue male - Valiant Laurel Sunnymoon Place- sold Ukraine
  • Black male - Velour Sandal Sunnymoon Place - sold Israel
Coefficient of inbreeding - 0,57 %

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 10.11.2021
Dam: C.I.B. MLT CH Kassiopea Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Universal Hope Sunnymoon Place - blue female - sold UK
  • Ultimate Dive Sunnymoon Place - blue female - sold UK
  • Unique Touch Sunnymoon Place - blue female - sold Greece
Coefficient of inbreeding - 0,6 %

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Italian Greyhounds puppies. Щенки левретки.
Date of birth: 09.02.2021
Sire: EU JW 2017, C.I.B. Louis Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue femae - Lady Sunnymoon Place - sold Russia
  • Seal female - Lyra Sunnymoon Place - sold USA
Coefficient of inbreeding - 2,79%

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Italian Greyhounds puppies. Щенки левретки.
Date of birth: 02.02.2021
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue male - Kallen Sunnymoon Place - sold Lithuania
  • Blue female - Keana Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
Coefficient of inbreeding - 0,63%

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 03.08.2020
Sire: EU JW 2017, C.I.B. Louis Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Seal male 1 - Garfield Eagle Sunnymoon Place - sold England
  • Seal male2 - Genius Harvey Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
  • Seal male 3 - Gelios Grave Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
  • Blue male - George Louis Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
Coefficient of inbreeding - 5,17% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 25.04.2020
Dam: C.I.B. MLT CH Kassiopea Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy. Full set of genetic tests. More detailed info on dogs' personal pages.

  • Blue male - De Lungo Sunnymoon Place - stays in our kennel
  • Blue female - DaLilla Sunnymoon Place - stays in our kennel

Coefficient of inbreeding - 0,92% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 17.06.2019
Dam: C.I.B MLT CH Everdeen Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Seal female - Zara Sunnymoon Place - sold / Ukraine
  • Isabella male - Zarius Sunnymoon Place - sold / Germany
  • Isabella male - Zephir Sunnymoon Place - sold / USA
  • Isabella male - Zorian Zeus Sunnymoon Place - sold / GB, Scotland

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 0,89% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 13.06.2019
Dam: C.I.B MLT CH Kassiopea Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue female - Yanelli Sunnymoon Place - sold / USA
  • Blue male - Yunius Sunnymoon Place - sold / Canada
  • Isabella male - Yummy Sunnymoon Place - sold / Canada

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 0,92% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 23.02.2019
Dam: Champions Procreator, CH UA JCH UA Eledi Grace Fendi Fornarina
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - Xcalibur Aviv Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 0,89% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 25.08.2018
Dam: C.I.B MLT CH Everdeen Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Isabella male - Willy Sunnymoon Place - sold / Bahrain
  • Isabella female - Wanilla Sunnymoon Place - stays in Ukraine fo co-ownedship

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 0,89% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 12.02.2018
Sire: JEW, MLT CH, Louis Sunnymoon Place
Dam: MLT CH   Eledi Grace Alpina 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Black female - Tilly  Sunnymoon Place - sold / Mexico
  • Black female - Tabby  Sunnymon Place - sold / Hungary

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 4,18%  

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 29.01.2018
Sire: MLT CH, CIB Zabava Znaty Hector
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - Salvador  Sunnymoon Place - sold / Ukraine
  • Black male - Sylvester Sunnymon Place - sold / England
  • Blue female - Semiramide Sunnymoon Place - / sold Philippines

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 0,87%

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 07.07.2017
Sire: JEW, MLT CH  Louis Sunnymoon Place
Dam: CIB, MLT CH Everdeen Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - Oliver Sunnymoon Place  - sold / Quatar 
  • Blue male - Ocean Sunnymoon Place  - sold / USA

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 5,17% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 22.02.2017 
Sire: CIB, MLT CH  Dallas Sunnymoon Place 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Black  male - Nelson  Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine 
  • Isabella male - Neyton  Sunnymoon Place - sold Lebanon
Diversity coefficient by ISAC DNA method - 0,5 
Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 4,4 % 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 10.09.2016
Sire: CIB, MLT CH Dallas Sunnymoon Place 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - Muse Sunnymoon Place - sold Phillipines 
  • Seal male - Massimo Sunnymoon Place - sold USA
  • Isabella female - Madison Sunnymoon Place stays in Ukraine

Diversity coefficient by ISAC DNA method - 7.14
Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 5.51% 
Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 12.06.2016
SIRE - CIB, MLT CH Zabava Znaty Hector 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - JEW, MLT CH Louis Sunnymoon Place - stays in our kennel 
  • Black male - IRL CH IRL JCH Louigy Sunnymoon Place - sold Ireland 

Diversity coefficient by ISAC DNA method - 6.75 
Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 0.90% 
Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 06.11.2015  
Sire: CIB, MLT CH Emerald Sunnymoon Place
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

Diversity coefficient by ISAC DNA method - 8.75 
Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 9,47% 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 15.09.2015 
Sire: CIB,  MLTCH Dallas Sunnymoon Place 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - CH Iton Sunnymoon Place - sold Poland
  • Blue male - Illario Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine 
  • Isabella female - Ingrid Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine 
  • Isabella female - RUS JCH Ivory Rose Sunnymoon Place - sold Russia

Diversity coefficient by ISAC DNA method - 10,5 
Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) - 4,4 %
Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 29.07.2014 
Sire: CIB, MLT CH Saverio Dei Raggi Di Luna 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) -  1,87 % 

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 01.05.2014
Sire: CIB, MLT CH Albioli Sokrates  
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Isabella male - C.I.B Emerald Sunnymoon Place - stays in our kennel
  • Isabella male - Ennio Sunnymoon Place - sold Austria 
  • Black male - Engelo Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine
  • Isabella female - C.I.B Everdeen Sunnymon Place - stays in our kennel

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 5 generations) -  11,16 %
Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 01.05.2013
Sire: CIB,  MLT CH Albioli Sokrates
Dam: MLT CH Carevna Budur Golden Queen 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Blue male - Grammy Sunnymoon Place - sold USA 
  • Blue female - Gabrinella Sunnymoon Place - sold Russia
  • Blue female - Glorienn Sunnymoon Place - sold Russia
  • Blue female - Gillian Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 6 generations) -  0,00%

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина


Date of birth: 04.05.2013 
Sire: MLT CH,  CIB Arnero Sunnymoon Place 
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Black male - Balotelly Sunnymoon Place - sold Germany 
  • Seal male - UA CH Bernabeu Sunnymoon Place - sold  Ukraine
  • Seal male - Bertonny Sunnymoon Place - sold  France
  • Seal female - MLT CH Buffy Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine - KL Solo Avanti
  • Black female - MLT CH Beverly Sunnymoon Place - sold  Ukraine - KL Wincatcher 

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) -  3,75%

Buy Italian Greyhound puppy / Купить щенка левретки. Киев. Украина
Date of birth: 16.06.2011 
Sire: CH  Delmonico Amaro Chioccolato Sapore D'Amore
Dam: MLT CH Carevna Budur Golden Queen
Health of parents: eyes - clear, patella - free, heart - healthy

  • Black male - C.I.B Arnero Sunnymoon Place- sold Ukraine
  • Isabella male - Amarone Sunnymoon Place- sold Ukraine
  • Seal male - Alladin Sunnymoon Place - sold Ukraine

Coefficient of inbreeding (by 7 generations) -  0,71%


Quality, not quantity


Love and care